Identification of Essential Oil Composition of Peel and Fruits of Citrus hystrix DC.

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Safian M.F
Mohamad Ali N.A
Yury , N
Zainal Ariffin Z


The essential oils isolated by hydrodistillation from the peel and fruits of fresh Citrus hystrix DC, were identified by GC-Kovats retention indices and GC-EI-MS. Twenty six (26) compounds have been identified from the peel and thirty seven (37) compounds have been identified from the fruit oils. The major compounds contained in peel oil were β-pinene (27%), limonene (24.7%) and sabinene (13.8%) while α-terpeneol (15.8%), β-pinene (15.1 %) and limonene (9.1 %) were the major compounds of fruit oil.


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How to Cite
M.F, S., Ali N.A, M., , N, Y., & Ariffin Z, Z. (2005). Identification of Essential Oil Composition of Peel and Fruits of Citrus hystrix DC. Malaysian Journal of Science, 24(1), 109–111. Retrieved from
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