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In today's world, research on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is gaining momentum as it is deemed crucial for global competitiveness in the industrial sector. Implementing diverse techniques for HOTS is essential to cater to students at various levels of education, ranging from preschool to university. It is widely recognized that the survival and strength of HOTS as a core thinking culture is essential, and its diversity of implementation techniques is vital to ensure it can thrive in different situations. The differences in social environments and cognitive levels necessitate diversity in implementing HOTS. According to a report by OECD (2018), Malaysia ranks 47th among the 78 countries that have undergone PISA evaluations, indicating a need for improvement in educational standards. In light of this, discovering how teachers implement HOTS in teaching and learning is critical for preparing the younger generation for global competitiveness. This article not only aims to explore the diversity of HOTS implementation in teaching and learning but also to discuss its advantages and disadvantages to ensure its appropriate use. A thorough search for relevant articles was undertaken using the Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 search, focusing on recent publications, including specific models or methodologies employed in bigger studies pertinent to the topic under discussion. This article emphasizes the importance of understanding the diversity of HOTS implementation techniques in achieving world-class education standards, synthesizing their strengths and weaknesses, and providing practical solutions to implement them effectively. By understanding these techniques, teachers can better prepare students with creative and critical thinking skills, ensuring HOTS grows as a culture of thinking among the younger generation.