DIASPORA BAJAU LAUT DAN PENGEKALAN SERTA PENERUSAN AMALAN TRADISI DI SABAH Bajau Laut’s Diaspora and Preservation of Their Traditional Practices in Sabah

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Hanafi Hussin


”We are Sama Dilaut, We are Bajau Laut,” it reminds me of two terms spoken by Bajau Laut community of Kampung Bangau-bangau, Semporna, Sabah. Originally this community is Sama Dilaut from Sitangkai, Tawi-Tawi, Philippines. Although the changes of community label become common practice among several ethnics in Sabah like Suluk-Bajau community for the Tausug, Kagayan for people of Mapun, Tawi-tawi etc, they maintain their original cultural characteristics. This paper discusses Bajau Laut community as Sama Dilaut, who experience diaspora in Sabah but still believe in Omboh as source of power, which could be transfered through male (Jin Lella) and female (Denda) spirit barrier. The sign of Jin’s quality for both of them could be identified by keeping of safeguarding of ancestor’s heritage, Duwaan. By having the Duwaan, every jin is compulsory to perform the rituals which have been practiced along time ago. Performing the scheduled rituals would make harmony between the human being and spirit in the spiritual world, especially the ancestors. Mag-paiibahau is the main ritual requesting the jin to prepare the new rice (paiibahau) as offering to the Omboh and followed by playing music tagunggu’ and performing dance (mag-pagigal) for the ancestors. The Magpaiibahau ritual should begin in Sitangkai Island of Tawi-tawi by the Chief Jin (Wali Jin) and it followed by the ritual in Kampung Bangau-bangau, Sabah. The Bajau Laut preserve their ancestral traditions and maintain the relationship with the
families in the Sitangkai, Tawi-tawi, Philippines. It symbolizes the existence of strong unity as a Sama Dilaut family even though they have been diaspora. 


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